Warkah Buat Tersayang #MH370

Bukan senang menerima berita buruk mengenai pesawat MH370 yang dilaporkan terhempas di selatan Laut Hindi. Begitulah juga yang dialami oleh ahli keluarga penumpang dan anak kapal pesawat MH370.

Baru-baru ini salah seorang waris anak kapal pesawat MH370 meluahkan perasaan sayu dan hibanya di laman Facebook miliknya.

Membaca coretannya itu sudah mampu membuatkan air mata mengalir sebak tak terkata. Meskipun kita tidak ikatan persaudaraan dengan penumpang pesawat MH370, namun kehilangan mereka juga meruntunkan jiwa kita.

Assalamualaikum sayang….

On the 8th memang mani day jangka that u’re already in heaven but on the next day i still want to keep my mind positive and hoping that u are still alive and will come back home for us…

Day pass by and theres still no news from anyone until last nite March 24 2014 at 2130 i received an unwanted new saying that u and the rest are resting in a deep deep deep sea, Indian Ocean… wow its shocking.. so shocking to me but Allah love you more.. I redha dengan pemergian u B..

All that happened is so mysteriously insane… but who am i to question Allah the AlMighty.. He got a better plan for me and u. Indeed i have to be a bionic women to face reality today… I will gradually tell Iman that she have lost her papa… and Muhammad will be my pillar to move on.. In Shaa Allah Iman & Muhammad won’t let you down..

My love for you will stay forever hingga ke syurga. Remember I told you i want to be leader of all the Angles in Heaven?? Im so jealous now that u are now with them but never mind I will join u someday.. kan Allah dah janji “mati itu pasti”…

You are the best husband and papa i could ever ask for.. Allah is great to lend you as a gift to me even for a short period of time but its all good and sweet memories. Semoga Allah tempatkan u ditempat orang2 yang beriman. I love u B…

* Intan Maizura Othaman, isteri kepada pramugara Hazrin Mohamed Hasnan.


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